Tuesday, September 26, 2006

DOE Extends Key Hanford Contracts

"For Immediate Release:

September 26, 2006


The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has extended two of its major prime contracts at the Hanford Site in southeastern Washington State. The extensions for Fluor Hanford, Inc. (Fluor) and CH2M HILL Hanford Group (CH2M HILL) are for up to two years and are valued at approximately $1.3 billion and $500 million respectively. The extensions are part of the Department of Energy’s Hanford Central Plateau acquisition strategy, which will result in three new cleanup contracts in 2008 covering Hanford mission support, tank farm operations and closure, and waste material storage and disposition. The extensions will ensure uninterrupted site activities while the competitive procurements are completed.

The Fluor contract is managed by the DOE’s Richland Operations Office. During the extension period, the company’s cleanup work will include: - Completing demolition of the radioactive Liquid Waste Treatment Facilities and cleaning out glove boxes at the Plutonium Finishing Plant; - Finishing containerization and transfer of radioactive sludge from the K East reactor basin to the K West reactor basin and design of the sludge treatment system; - Reaching 60% of all suspect-transuranic waste retrieved for disposal; - Installing and/or operating systems to address groundwater contamination, including a new pump-and-treat operation at 100-K, a new technology at 100-D, a 300-foot barrier at 100-N, and at least 30 new monitoring wells; - Demolishing 10 high-risk industrial facilities; and - Removing about 700 gallons of sodium from the Fast Flux Test Facility

The CH2M HILL contract is managed by the DOE’s Office of River Protection. Work during the extension period will include: - Maintaining and operating the tank farms, the 242-S evaporator, and the 222-S building; - Continuing the retrieval of radioactive and chemical waste from single-shell tanks; - Advancing the Demonstration Bulk Vitrification System Project; and - Reducing base tank farms operations costs through efficiencies and continuing the upgrade of tank farm systems and equipment. The official website for the Hanford Central Plateau Acquisition is the DOE E-Center at www.pr.doe.gov. The DOE E-Center is the sole distribution medium for all information requiring the upcoming acquisitions. ### RL-06-0011"