Public invited to meeting May 31 about Port Townsend Paper air permit
OLYMPIA - The Department of Ecology (Ecology) invites the public to attend a workshop and public hearing about Port Townsend Paper Corp.'s air operating permit renewal.
The workshop will begin at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, May 31, at the Commons of Port Townsend High School. A public hearing on the permit will follow at 8 p.m.
The workshop provides an opportunity for people to talk informally with Ecology staff. The public hearing gives people an opportunity speak on the record to Ecology about the company's permit renewal.
Ecology has extended the public comment period on the permit until 5 p.m. June 7.
The public may access the draft permit and support document from Ecology's Web site at
http://apps.ecy.wa.gov/industrial/proposed.asp. A printed copy of the documents can be found at the reference desk of the Port Townsend Library at 1220 Lawrence St.
The public may provide comments orally at the public hearing or in writing. Written comments can be sent to Robert Carruthers, P.E., Department of Ecology, Industrial Section, P.O. Box 47706, Olympia, WA 98504-7600. Or written comments can be sent to Carruther's e-mail address, roca461@ecy.wa.gov.
For questions or to request special accommodations at the workshop and hearing, contact Dolores Mitchell at 360-407-6057 or by e-mail at dmit461@ecy.wa.gov."